welcome to the mothmind moth mind this is aw ebsite for your mind

im malice and i make things sometimes it's fun
my friends also make things with me and we have joyous fun
this is all mainly hobby stuff
but hopefully there'll be or there's something here to entertain you and as always you can contact us we hope you enjoy your stay . feel free to check out things

we hope you're ehaving a delighful day :)

it is definitively to note that we're still sorting out a lot of things so give us feedback alway s

cool things i've setup in this land

email us at

our irc server is down for the meantime but we hope to get it back up soon :)


The new

For the purposes, it was necessary, but we knew we needed the more as it would build the foundation of the basis of something that would prove complete, but when put at application it was then

March 19, 2025

This is a test I am testing you for victory because I know that deep

Deep inside I am aware of your eternal ability for the yearning of dreams and your ability to get into the ability of the situation, I know that you will obtain your ability into the world of ability

March 19, 2025